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Whipstock Circulation Adapter

Whipstock Circulation Adapter

Ref: 1244 pb Our client created and patented a new “Circulation Adapter” for an existing slightly modified “Piling Whipstock” used at slot recoveries at oil rigs off-shore. Client came across many occasions where it took a long time to set a...

Plastic Recycling Program

5232 pb Plastic Recycling Program is a concept developed by our client that enables the Government of a sovereign state to establish – at national level – the controlled systematic regulation of the streams of plastics, from manufacturer to recycling with...

Patent on wind turbine & generator

Client has patented a unique wind turbine system. The system consists of 2 rotors that drive a central axis. The rotors rotate in opposite directions. The generator delivers almost 100% more than usual systems Suitable for wind and tidal energy. Independent of...